I had one tough cultural difference to get accustomed when I came here first time. It is about the American culture based on Even number.
When I went to coffee shop just to buy a cup of coffee, it always made me confused which coin and how many I should pick up to pay this $1.63… I had to stop, make sure this coin is quarter, nickel or penny, count them, and calculate carefully. Just to get a cup of coffee!
Here U.S., we use unique coin system. We have 1¢,5¢,10¢,25¢,50¢(rarely show up), and $1 coins. What the hell is this strange guy, 25¢, called quarter… How strange this coin is that if I have four of them, it becomes equal to $1, of course, you might say it’s really simple.
However, here is a big conceptual gap with culture of ours or the lest of world. Everybody learned and are used to the decimal system, which uses ten different characters to count number. Another popular counting system is the binary system, which uses two different characters, 0 and 1. But before I came here, I’ve never used this “no-name system,” which uses four numbers to count in my life. Anyway, it took a little time to get used to it.
But this difference is not only related to the way to count, but also came from deep cultural difference in America. While I live here almost three years, I had many experiences making me realize many aspects of American culture are based on even number.
In addition to inconvenient aspect of it, there are also some advantages of using quarter, of course. For example, we have total $1 which consists of four quarters. It can be divided by 1, 2 and 4. So, we can easily share the four quarters by four, two or even one people. However, if we have total 100yen which consists of all 10yen coins, we can divide them only by 10, 5, 2, 1 people, even we have ten coins!! Quarter system is quite useful if we want to divide something in half or quarter and it is strongly related to even number. On the other hand, most of country uses decimal coin system which uses coins with 1, 2, and 5 number. The advantage of this system is that we can count any kind of number by using the minimum number of coins. This advantage is seen also in the experiment of science class using a balance weight for traditional scale, it has 1g, 2,g, 5g.
This difference makes America interesting for me. The Even number culture implies people here likes to divide everything in half or quarter. The same culture can be seen when I measure by using inch system. I am so used to metric system, but sometimes I have to use inch system depends on my project. Then, it’s interesting, when I need to divide something by even number, I like to use inch system. But if I want to divide it by odd number, especially 3, I hate to use inch system because 1inch is equal to 2 of 1/2in, 4 of 1/4in, 8of 1/8, and so on…I can’t divide it by 3, never!
Another example to prove America’s even number culture is seen on a set of dishes. I am not sure about the other country, but in Japan, mostly a set of dishware consists of five pairs of plate, cup and bowl. On the other hand, here and I guess also in Europe, their dishware set has four sets in it. It is seldom to see the four sets of it in Japan. If somebody knows, please let me know the reason why dish set is always five in Japan or four in the U.S.
This even number culture can be interpreted also as symmetric culture. Everything needs to be in perfect balance on both left and right hand. On the other hand, in Japan maybe as well as Asian countries, our culture is based on asymmetry. Especially in the field of art or literature, we admire the beauty of its asymmetry; some people consider it as imperfection like the world of haiku. Symmetry has a strong sense of stability, but asymmetry has more natural feeling for me. Because if everything is totally balanced and perfectly completed, it seems so artificial…
Anyway, I cannot conclude which system is better, but there is obvious difference between America and Japan in aspect of counting system and the sense related to it, and it makes this country very unique for me.
ここアメリカでは、変わった硬貨制度が使われています。硬貨の種類は1¢、5¢、10¢、25¢、50¢(めったにお目にかからない) 、そして$1 硬貨。なんじゃこのへんてこな25¢硬貨(クォーター)っちゃ。。。なにがへんって4つ集めるとそれで$1になるって、当たり前のようでこれが曲者。
and at vending machines and ATM's in america they are always based on $20, while in japan they are always based on 1000Yen. I like $20 better cuz u get more change!!