April 29, 2006

Furniture Black Ship, IKEA, landed in Japan

Finally a furniture retail giant, IKEA, landed Japan again. I had a short field trip on the first weekend after their opening. After two hours stuck by incredible traffic, I could get in the, Swedish colored, huge blue and yellow storage. Overall, their retail system is the same as what I experienced in the US. At upstairs, check the displayed furniture by following the one-way-route, at the end, get a coffee brake before going down. At down stairs, walking starts from small kitchen utensils, it leads us to the storage area containing amount of packages stuck up to the high ceiling. Pretty much the same shopping process that I experienced. After checking Japan IKEA, one question came up to me: Will IKEA be successful in Japan market?? What makes their business unique can sum up with one point, low price relying on customer’s DIY from delivery to assembly. Honestly, their product quality cannot satisfy this market which is filled up with exported European furniture everywhere. So, IKEA’s current advantage is its cost rather than its quality. My friend from Denmark was saying “IKEA offers something for those who have no choice to buy expensive European furniture.” But they need to change their business strategy in Japan because we already have an easy access to relatively cheap furniture such as Muji, Nitori, or catalogue/online store. Also we strictly judge the quality of product. So, I doubt that only cheap price can attract enough customers for purchasing their products and let them motivate to assemble by themselves. These are the keys if IKEA can be successful; innovative idea-oriented-product, Scandinavian sophisticated design, and unique shopping experience. If IKEA can make this dream comes true with cheap price, they will be able to defeat the other domestic competitors. I really liked when I first time find paper made free tape measure, now Muji has the same offering, and nursing room at the entrance hall. These ideas, which have nothing to do with adding extra cost to the customer, are having a key of this SPA’s success. My curiosity about their future comes from the situation that I am also working for exporting American product into Japanese market. They have a plan opening two more stores at Kohoku(Yokohama) and Kobe.

5min. walking from Minami Funabashi St. (Recommend to drive there...)

ゴールデンウィークの初めついにIKEAが日本に再上陸しました。早速、開店初の週末、社会化見学に行って見ることに。2時間余りの渋滞に巻き込まれながらも、ようやくスウェーデン色に染まった黄色と青の巨大な倉庫にたどり着きました。概して、お店のシステムは、アメリカで経験したそれと同じでした。最初上の階に上がり、巡回路に従いディスプレイされた家具を品定め。路の行き着く先は、簡単な軽食の取れるレストランエリア。下に下りると、ルートはキッチン雑貨などの小物エリアから始まり、上階に展示されていた家具がコンパクトに梱包された箱が天井まで積み上げられた倉庫のエリアに通じています。ディスプレイ・デザイン、商品カテゴリーのレイアウト、客の動線設計、全てが私がアメリカで見たそれと全く同じでした。見学を終え、ひとつの疑問が湧いてきました。IKEAは日本で成功できるのか?IKEAがIKEA足りうる理由はひとつ、配送から組み立てまで消費者に委ねたDo It Yourselfによる安い値段、です。いたるところでヨーロッパ製の高級家具を目にすることのできる日本においては、正直IKEA製品の質は到底消費者の満足を満たすものではありません。現状IKEAの武器は、質ではなく安い値段ということになります。あるデンマークの友人はこう言っていました。「高級ヨーロッパ家具に手が届かない層が家具を求めるところがIKEAだよ。」IKEAは単に外と同じ売り方を日本に持ち込むのではなく、異なる戦略を求められるでしょう。だって、安さを売りにする家具屋ならすでに、無印良品、ニトリ、カタログ・インターネット通販などより消費者の手の届くところにすでに存在するんだから。つまり安さだけが、客をIKEAの店舗に呼び込み、自ら家具を組み立てさせるという動機にはつながらないと思います。IKEAが成功できるかという鍵は他のところにあります。革新的なアイデアの詰まった製品、北欧の洗練されたデザイン、他にはないショッピング体験、等。それらに安さが加われば、IKEAは競合他社をおしのけ真の日本上陸を果たせるのです。だって初めてのIKEA体験で目からうろこだったのは、家具の値段ではなく、店内に無料で置かれた紙のメジャー・テープ(今では無印も同じものを用意している。)だったり、入り口すぐに設置された託児室だったり、そんなアイデアにあるんだから。決して商品のコストに跳ね返ることはないけれど、買い物の行為自体を楽しくさせてくれるこんなアイデアが、IKEAらしさなのではと思うのです。しかし、IKEAの行き先が気になってしかたがないのは、自分も「アメリカ製」を日本に持ち込むという難業の一端を担っているからです。今後IKEAは、港北(横浜近郊)、神戸とさらに2店舗オープン予定です。

April 22, 2006

Premium beer at quiet cafe

Today, suddenly I got a time to kill while I was hanging around Shibuya. And the boring situation reminded me one café close to an apartment where I used to live. Café Inko is owned by design farm located in the same building. Probably this is why even the café is not so remarkable but the interior is designed by internationally well known architect Jun Aoki. The minimally decorated interior expresses this store’s concept, “Do nothing. Let customers be.” But on the other hand, their menu is carefully selected. Here I ordered premium draft beer called Gargery, only distributed through limited bar and restaurant in Tokyo. If this quiet café were opened when I was a student, I believe, this place helped me to study more. The above picture shows a big event I just passed by Yoyogi park on the way to the café. Lots of craft stores or markets gathered lots of people.

Cafe Inko
1min. walking from Yoyogi-koen/Yoyogi-hachiman St.


Cafe インコ

April 9, 2006

Fabulous Sushi Party with Live Music

We had no idea that Tsukiji Fish Market is off on Sunday!! Normally on weekdays, those narrow alleys are packed with people seeking fresh sea ingredients, however as you can see the picture not at all for this Sunday. But fortunately only one fish store was opened and it offered what we wanted to hold a Sushi party. Tuna, salmon roe, sardine, firefly squid, clam and more and more. And the outcome of those great ingredients is shown below. Actually, what made the Sushi tastier than last time was rice. This time we used different type of rice grain, Sasanisiki, which is not so sticky compared with Koshihikari, this image cannot explain though… With the successful delicious Sushi,
Another friend played the fabulous guitar with harmonica. Suddenly he changed the dining space to Karaoke room. I want thank for a talent of my friends, as Sushi chef and guitar solo musician.


April 1, 2006

My secret SOHO

Today I am posting the update at cozy coffee shop nearby Ebisu Station. Hum.. Recently I hang around Ebisu really often! This café is my favorite and secret place, which I use it as my own SOHO. The owner gives me a quietness good enough to concentrate on mailing and web-surfing. The cafe locates just 5 min away from Ebisu station, but almost no first-visit-customer can reach here because it is hidden in a residential area.
This is the only place, which makes me motivate to carry my huge laptop out of my room♪

Café Duoce Ebisu
5 min. walking from Ebisu St.


Café Duoce Ebisu