May 21, 2006

A poem without a word

“In my work I try to emphasize suggestion rather than description, much like the philosophy of Japanese Haiku poetry. A few elements can evoke a whole world of imagination. A small amount of tangible subject matter has infinite possibilities.” Photographer, Michael Kenna, explains his work is alike Haiku, Japanese short poem, in his statement of the photo exhibit, “Conversation with the Land.” The series of his photographs, taken in Japan, clearly satisfied the two reasons why I like this photographer best in the world. One reason is his experienced technique of fine print. And also I am attracted his minimalism condensed into the square photo paper. Composition with a slight tension, a few carefully chosen elements, and appropriate contrast to eliminate unnecessary objects, all these grammar of photography is working behind his series of photos and the final result turns out just like a Haiku that a few elements can evoke a whole world of imagination as he expressed.

Japan, Michael Kenna, 2003

「作品を通じて私は、日本の俳句の精神に通ずるように、描写することよりもむしろ暗示することに重きを置いています。数少ない要素が想像の世界を掻き立てる。少数の実在する対象物が無限の可能性を秘めている。」写真家マイケル・ケンナは自身の写真展「土地との会話」において自分の作品を俳句に喩えています。 日本で撮影された一連の彼の写真を見ていると、自分が彼を最も好きな写真家に選んだのは、次の二つの理由からなんだなと妙に納得させられてしまいました。ひとつは卓越したプリントの技術が生み出す美しい写真。それに加えて、正方形の印画紙に凝縮された彼のミニマリズムです。わずかな緊張感を伴った構図、細心の注意により選ばれたいくつかの構成要素、不要なものを取捨選択する計算されたコントラスト等、これらの写真の修辞法が彼の作品の根底にはあり、その結果彼の写真は、いくつかの要素が無限の想像を掻き立てる、ひとつの俳句となるのです。

May 20, 2006

Dummn! Movie Globalization

Director: Ron Howard
Cast: Tom Hanks, Audrey Tautou, Jean Reno.

Everybody says that reading an original book makes watching the movie boring. There has been no other movies ever before than The Da Vinci Code, which had to overcome such a big-worldwide-pressure and make the movie successful just like the original book written by Dan Brown. The only way that Hollywood came up with to accomplish this huge challenge is to appoint the biggest names in current movie industry, Ron Howard and Tom Hanks. I think this can be a good excuse enough to persuade all the audiences around the world, no matter what their religions are, if the movie turned out poorer than its original book. ”Even these academy-award-buddies could not make this movie successful, so no one can make it better…”Under such a big pressure, the contents of the movie also showed a contradiction between what the original author wanted to convey and what actually the movie showed to the audiences. In short, the book is more edgy in a sense of criticism of Christianity; however, disappointedly the pressure made the movie rounded, in other words, not to be controversial. I believe that movie should appeal to individuals rather than to mass audiences. Generally movies which cause much controversy by more people tend to be your favorite one, don’t you agree with me!?!?


May 17, 2006

Building Breakthrough Ideas

I got a great opportunity of two days training at work. “Building Breakthrough Ideas;” it sounds like the seminar talks about something fancy and imaginary, but actually it was very practical and valuable to learn. After several days passed from the lecture, I still remind an important keyword, “Make it concrete.”

For example, Toyota Motor Corp. declares seven principles on their website. “Pursue growth in harmony with the global community through innovative management” is one of them. For me, it is too ambiguous to imagine the meaning. On the other hand, Google Inc.’s principle is presented as ten findings which is concrete enough for everybody to understand their policy as easy as possible. One of their finding states “You can be serious without a suit.” They seriously call it out as one of ten corporate policies. If you were an employee of those companies, which principle can you imagine the idea more concretely and feel more motivated to devote yourself to the company? The answer is obvious. The more concrete the description of idea is, the more it has a power to inspire people. And more interestingly, the level of concreteness varies each person. That’s why communication with proper concreteness evokes people’s inspiration in their conversation. Concreteness is definitely one of important keys to inspire our creativity and produce good idea.



May 7, 2006

American-style "chic" movie

Director: George Clooney
Cast: David Strathairn, George Clooney

Last November my movie-friend, currently studying cinematography in NYC, told me, “You are right! George made it, he showed a remarkable talent in his recent work neither as an actor nor as a producer, but as a film director.” Since then, I was longing to watch the movie “Good Night and Good Luck.”
All the scenes were shot in the same TV studio set, and interestingly every shot is covered by dim gray smoke of cigarette. And basically no BGM, just sometimes songs of Jazz singer, Dianne Reeves, were inserted between the scenes. It made the screen real heavy and dark, reflecting the atmosphere of 1950’s communism-persecution-era. Message in this movie is straight forward, but it obviously does not appeal to whole variety of audiences, in other words, it cannot make money. So what motivated George Clooney to create this movie is not just for making a tribute to his father, who used to be a news reporter, but also for purely pursuing what is cool by showing a justice of journalism through cool cinematographic techniques. This movie definitely realized me that to be cool is really cool!!
