March 11, 2005

SF Movie Report 4: The Sea Inside

Director: Alejandro Amenabar
Casts: Javier Bardem, Belen Rueda, Lola Duenas
Release Date in Japan: April 16, 2005

Story: "The Sea Inside" is the real life story of Spaniard Ramon Sampedro (played by Bardem), who fought a 30-year campaign in favor of his right to die with dignity. Two women try to change his life - Julia (Belen Rueda) is a lawyer who supports his cause, and Rosa (Lola Duenas) is a neighbor who wants to convince him that life is worth living. The two women's encounters with the charismatic Ramon lead to change in their own lives.

It made me think about death with dignity.

When I was watching this movie, especially near the last scene, I had a little wired feeling to myself. The scene was about Ramon’s final decision of his life, and I thought I deeply concentrate on the story and should be touched the last scene. But actually what I was attracted to at that time was the other audiences’ noises… some people sounds like, they are sobbing, and the others are blowing their nose with their handkerchief… Then, I just realized why my feeling at this moment was different from those people’s… I couldn’t cry for the decision Ramon finally made. I don’t want to bring the whole story here, so I cannot say it in detail, but this fact let me know that at least I am not against the idea of death with dignity.

The main character in this movie, Ramon(Javier Bardem), was always lying down on a bed, and couldn’t do anything except writing a poem because of his past accident. However, he had one freedom that he can travel anywhere he wants to go in his mind. His imagination let him fly away from the window next to his bed.

For me, even he lost his physical freedom, but he still had mental freedom. This is important; this fact does not change no matter whether he is alive or dead. This movie taught me that death might take away physical freedom from us, but it cannot take away mental freedom together. Even after we die, our mind is still alive somewhere, especially in people’s mind.

There are many people in this world who are obliged to be alive on a bed and are willing to die. This movie gave me some idea about how those people thinks. They may feel isolated or lonely just because they are different from the other people in terms of their physical condition. So, they hope to free themselves from the physical restriction in order to pursue entire freedom and be fair with other people.

In the movie, he sometimes repeated, “life is a right, not a obligation.” This means he wanted to have the same right as the other people to achieve a life with real freedom. Dignity in the idea of death with dignity indicates not only dignity for the will of those who wants to die, but also for the right that everybody is in fair to freedom. It is difficult to judge how much peoples’ freedom is respected and restricted, but as long as the freedom hurts nobody, I think the freedom has to be given to anybody as much as possible.

In end of this movie, Ramon was given the freedom that he has been pursuing for 26 years. Finally he was dignified with real freedom. In this sense, I understand why I couldn’t cry for the ending because he could be happy at the last moment of his life.

ストーリー:この「海を飛ぶ夢(原題:The Sea Inside)」は、30年間あまり尊厳死について闘いぬいたラモン・サンペドロ(ハビエル・バルデム)という実在した一人の男の物語である。彼の事例を扱う弁護士のフリア(ベレン・ルエダ)と彼に活きる意味を訴えかけるローザ(ローラ・ドゥエニャス)という二人の女性は彼の人生を変えようと必死だった。ラモンは彼女たちとの出会い、彼女たちもラモンに出会うことで、彼ら三人の人生は大きく変化を遂げるのであった。








March 7, 2005

Corporate Branding

These days, a word, “brand,” is getting more popular than ever. Many corporate managers use the word, “brand,” as a cliché for their project management, or many consumers all over the world are attracted by luxury “brands,” Prada, Gucci, and many…

So, let’s think about what the hell of this word “brand” means??

[What is a brand?]
Although the definition of brand itself is controversial, let me define a brand as “timeless value for the customers, which belongs to the company.” It means that company’s brand is not related to the change of time and it is aimed at their customers.

[Why branding?]
In the middle of 80’s, due to the high growth of Japanese economy, many companies were trying to expand their business to different fields which they never explored. Like Japan Airlines or Santory, many companies called themselves “life industry.” At this time, similar movement, Corporate Identity (C.I.) Activity, was occurred. This C.I. activity focused on the company’s point of view rather than customer’s point of view. Companies changed their name and redesigned new logo according to the expansion of their business fields.

However, branding, now people call, is different from the past movement, C.I. activity, because the market and economy have been totally changed since that time. After our market reached the certain maturity, now the companies have to change their management to opposite direction, returning to their main business. So, recently selection and concentration became more popular keyword. During the process of selection and concentration, branding significantly takes an important role as a company’s guide. To clarify the company’s value and future, now branding is one of the biggest interests in the business.

[How to create a brand?]
So, we understand the significance of branding, but how?? There are two stages, invisible and visible phases.

First of all, we must realize what our company is and where it is going to the future. Without knowing ourselves and our future vision, we cannot achieve a solid and consistent brand image. In other words, branding starts from defining the identity of the company. This stage, invisible phase, is very essential and important.

In the following visible phase, once the corporate identity is set, we can turn it into something visible such as logo, products, advertisements, and so forth. Here, it is important that this visualization process has to be done as a whole company to create a sense of unity. Everybody and everything related to the company have to be involved in branding.

There are some points to be considered about branding. First, communication of branding needs to be “easy to understand,” “easy to remember,” and “easy to convey” just because brand needs to be shared with everybody. Second, a brand needs to be recognized in both reasonable and emotional ways. Neither only a numerical vision nor only a futuristic dream is enough to create a brand. Moreover, the most important point is to create a unique brand image with thorough consistency as a whole company.


We can see a good example of the second phase, brand visualization, in brand strategy of IBM ThinkPad. IBM Design created and distributed a poster throughout the company that visualized the questions: “What is the ThinkPad?” and “What kind of user is it for?” This campaign really helps the employee to understand not only the concept of the laptop computer but also the company’s business style and the target customer.

Lastly, I want to introduce the interesting data about brand ranking announced by Interbrand, brand consultant company.

Every year, they calculate brand values and report the ranking in BusinessWeek magazine. Many interesting findings are shown here. Toyota beaten Mercedes and got the first position among automobile companies because of its stable management and environmental consciousness. And of course, the world’s biggest boom, iPod, contributed a largest brand increase for Apple.




1980年半ば、経済の成長に支えられ多くの日本の企業はこぞってその事業領域を拡大していった。日本航空やサントリーなどのように、自身を生活産業と呼んでいた企業もあった時代である。そんな当時でもブランディングに似た、C.I. (コーポレート・アイデンティティー)活動という動きがあった。このC.I.活動は、顧客の視点からというよりも企業側からの会社のイメージ作りという性格が強かった。この活動のもと、企業は事業拡大に伴い、その名前を変え、新たなロゴをデザインした。






上記の第二段階の好例としてIBM社のThinkPadのブランド戦略があげられる。 ThinkPadの開発に当たり、IBM デザインは、「ThinkPadって何?」とか「ThinkPadのユーザーって誰?」といった質問をヴィジュアル化したポスターを制作、全社的に配布したのである。この活動は社員にそのノートパソコンのコンセプトを理解させるにとどまらず、企業の経営方針や顧客の姿を理解させることにも役に立った。



February 22, 2005

77th Academy Predictions

February 27 5pm (Pacific Time) is just around the corner. Are you ready to stare at TV and to hear, “Oscar goes to…,” Every year this season reminds me one memory… Just a few days later I arrived at dormitory in Ohio, I was watching 2002 Academy Awards on TV with my roommate. We got so excited about the moment, Denzel Washington got the first Oscar as an African American in the history of Academy… I just cannot wait the exciting moment for this year, so a little too early, but following lists are my guess and expectation for 2005 Oscars.


February 21, 2005

SF Movie Report 3: Million Dollar Baby

[Million Dollar Baby]

Director: Clint Eastwood
Casts: Clint Eastwood, Hilary Swank, Morgan Freeman
Release Date in Japan: 2005

Story: In the wake of a painful estrangement from his daughter, boxing trainer Frankie Dunn, Clint Eastwood, has been unwilling to let himself get close to anyone for a very long time--then Maggie Fitzgerald, Hilary Swank, walks into his gym. In a life of constant struggle, Maggie's gotten herself this far on raw talent, unshakable focus and a tremendous force of will. But more than anything, she wants someone to believe in her. The last thing Frankie needs is that kind of responsibility-- let alone that kind of risk--but won over by Maggie's sheer determination, he begrudgingly agrees to take her on.

First impression of watching this movie is, wow Clint became really old…, I mean, his looking seems really old for me. But more than that, as I watched this movie, the feeling I had at the beginning has changed a little bit.

His stance making this movie is really simple and clear, much much more understandable than Howl’s Moving Castle. In this movie, there is no meaningless implication or metaphor, which are really common in current movies, especially in Japanese horror movies. Story is pretty straightforward. Even it confused me that it was like based on real story. I couldn’t make a connection an old film director with this movie with minimal design. Usually, the older directors become, the more their film becomes a product with full of implications maybe because of their rich experience and philosophy as a person.

However, this movie showed a Clint’s sense of contemporary art. He is still young and different from those who talk about only old times. The movie without laugh, intentional hidden meaning, control viewers’ tear, and expected mainstream ending taught us that movie is not completed until it is watched by audiences. Movies, or I can say all creations also, should not just tell everything but must believe audiences and leave some freedom to let them interpret the meaning on their own way.

Surprisingly this is not a documentary like movie, I totally thought this is based on true story, but young part of Clint’s mind made this movie just like a documentary about himself as a one old person. Great achievement of this movie is that it realizes us America is the best filmdom around the world. This is a real American movie.

ストーリー: ボクシング・トレーナーのフランキー・ダン(クリント・イーストウッド)は娘との断絶から自らの心を閉ざし、ひとり本を読み耽る毎日を送っていた。そんなある日、ある女性マギー・フィッツジェラルド(ヒラリー・スワンク)が彼のジムを訪れた。決して楽とはいえない生活を余儀なくされていた彼女だったが、磨けば光る才能、ゆるぎない集中力、そして強い決意が彼女にはあった。そして彼女にはもうひとつ、信じることのできる誰か、が必要だった。一方、フランキーには、(リスクを伴う決断でもある)他人を受け入れる勇気が必要だった。ついには彼もマギーの強い決意に重い腰を上げ、トレーナーとして再び彼女をリングに上らせる決心をした。





February 13, 2005

SF Movie Report 2: Sideways

"In search of wine. In search of women. In search of themselves."

Director: Alexsander Payne
Casts: Paul Giamatti, Thomas Haden Church, Sandra Oh, Virginia Madsen, Marylouise Bruke
Release Date in Japan: March 5.

Story: Two men reaching middle age with not much to show but disappointment, embark on a week long road trip through California's wine country, just as one is about to take a trip down the altar.

Honestly, I rarely watch movies directed by unknown filmmaker for me. Even after I finished the film, I was still wondering why this movie made me interested and brought me in the theater… Of course, my dearest combination, California and wine, was one of the reasons, but also maybe I was expecting to see the difference form the other made-in-Hollywood movies.

Story of this movie is just simple. Normally such an easy plot movie tends to end in failure because of the low budget, not so much events and small scale distribution. However, the director, Alexander Payne, showed us his great sense of balance between sophistication of wine and humor of southern California in one movie; he is just like a wine producer. Wine, the theme of this movie, could be too stylish for wide range of audience to understand the plot, and also the essence of comedy could be so cheesy that it sometimes makes us feel annoying. But, Payne successfully combined those two aspects and put them into a bottle of wine. In some part of movie, he added the serious conversation about the life of wine, on the other hand, sometimes two main characters’ behavior was just stupid enough to make us laugh.

Especially what I liked about this movie is that the main character, Miles, who is addicted to wine, loves Pinot Noir the best, but he hates Merlot… In the movie, he explained about why Pinot Noir is best for him, Pinot is more delicate, takes time to be ripe, and sensitive to the place to grow up, unlike Merlot or Cabernet with stronger body. All those detailed setting creates peoples’personality, storyline, and atmosphere of the movie.

Even now, I cannot really conclude that what was the motivation for me to watch this movie, I don’t know. But the flavor of this movie certainly will last forever with my memory of staying here, even after I leave California. Only for this movie, I strongly recommend; please wait until the DVD is released, and grab a bottle of Pinot Noir, and please open it before you press the play button of your player, because nothing can be a better appetizer for wine than this movie.

ストーリー: 日々の生活に焦燥感を感じている二人の中年の男達は、1週間のカリフォルニア・ワイナリー巡りの旅に出る。そのうちの一人は結婚という船出が間近に迫っているにもかかわらずに。





February 9, 2005

SF Movie Report 1: Hotel Rwanda

[Hotel Rwanda]

"When the world closed its eyes, he opened his arms."

Director: Terry George

Casts: Don Cheadle, Sophie Okonedo, Nick Nolte, Joaquin Phoenix

Release Date in Japan: not decided

Story: In 1994, when Rwanda descended into madness, one man made a promise to protect his family and helped over 1200 people. Paul Rusesabagina, a hotel manager in Rwanda, he used his position secretly just to shelter over a thousand refugees during the genocide. While the rest of the world shut the door, Paul opened his heart to prove the human spirit to overcome all the reality.

Basically I don’t like to watch war or massacre movie just because after watching it, it usually doesn’t leave good feeling to me. However, this, Hotel Rwanda, is not just a movie about real documentary of the worst genocide in our history. It reminded me what a real guy has to be. Of course Don Cheadle’s efforts is worth to be a nominee for Academy because in this movie he turned himself into a hero with two different faces. Two scenes really struck me. First scene is about his love for his wife. Even he was suffered from the terrible disasters; he prepared beers and candles on the roof of hotel secretly to share a moment of happiness with his wife. Another scene is about his courage to help his folks. When the truck of United Nation came to the hotel to rescue some people away from there, he made a brave decision as a man. From my point of view, Paul showed two characters proudly, love as a husband and courage as a manager. What this movie realized to me is not just about the same history never repeated again but also some important human nature as a man.

ストーリー: ルワンダが血にまみれた1994年、ある男は家族と1200人以上の命を守ることを心に誓った。ルワンダのホテルのマネージャー、ポールは彼の地位を巧みに利用し、大量虐殺から千人以上もの難民をかくまった。世界が助けの扉を閉ざすなか、彼は人間として現実を乗り越えようとその心を開いた。


February 4, 2005

“Odd” culture with “Even” number

I had one tough cultural difference to get accustomed when I came here first time. It is about the American culture based on Even number.

When I went to coffee shop just to buy a cup of coffee, it always made me confused which coin and how many I should pick up to pay this $1.63… I had to stop, make sure this coin is quarter, nickel or penny, count them, and calculate carefully. Just to get a cup of coffee!

Here U.S., we use unique coin system. We have 1¢,5¢,10¢,25¢,50¢(rarely show up), and $1 coins. What the hell is this strange guy, 25¢, called quarter… How strange this coin is that if I have four of them, it becomes equal to $1, of course, you might say it’s really simple.

However, here is a big conceptual gap with culture of ours or the lest of world. Everybody learned and are used to the decimal system, which uses ten different characters to count number. Another popular counting system is the binary system, which uses two different characters, 0 and 1. But before I came here, I’ve never used this “no-name system,” which uses four numbers to count in my life. Anyway, it took a little time to get used to it.

But this difference is not only related to the way to count, but also came from deep cultural difference in America. While I live here almost three years, I had many experiences making me realize many aspects of American culture are based on even number.

In addition to inconvenient aspect of it, there are also some advantages of using quarter, of course. For example, we have total $1 which consists of four quarters. It can be divided by 1, 2 and 4. So, we can easily share the four quarters by four, two or even one people. However, if we have total 100yen which consists of all 10yen coins, we can divide them only by 10, 5, 2, 1 people, even we have ten coins!! Quarter system is quite useful if we want to divide something in half or quarter and it is strongly related to even number. On the other hand, most of country uses decimal coin system which uses coins with 1, 2, and 5 number. The advantage of this system is that we can count any kind of number by using the minimum number of coins. This advantage is seen also in the experiment of science class using a balance weight for traditional scale, it has 1g, 2,g, 5g.

This difference makes America interesting for me. The Even number culture implies people here likes to divide everything in half or quarter. The same culture can be seen when I measure by using inch system. I am so used to metric system, but sometimes I have to use inch system depends on my project. Then, it’s interesting, when I need to divide something by even number, I like to use inch system. But if I want to divide it by odd number, especially 3, I hate to use inch system because 1inch is equal to 2 of 1/2in, 4 of 1/4in, 8of 1/8, and so on…I can’t divide it by 3, never!

Another example to prove America’s even number culture is seen on a set of dishes. I am not sure about the other country, but in Japan, mostly a set of dishware consists of five pairs of plate, cup and bowl. On the other hand, here and I guess also in Europe, their dishware set has four sets in it. It is seldom to see the four sets of it in Japan. If somebody knows, please let me know the reason why dish set is always five in Japan or four in the U.S.

This even number culture can be interpreted also as symmetric culture. Everything needs to be in perfect balance on both left and right hand. On the other hand, in Japan maybe as well as Asian countries, our culture is based on asymmetry. Especially in the field of art or literature, we admire the beauty of its asymmetry; some people consider it as imperfection like the world of haiku. Symmetry has a strong sense of stability, but asymmetry has more natural feeling for me. Because if everything is totally balanced and perfectly completed, it seems so artificial…

Anyway, I cannot conclude which system is better, but there is obvious difference between America and Japan in aspect of counting system and the sense related to it, and it makes this country very unique for me.



ここアメリカでは、変わった硬貨制度が使われています。硬貨の種類は1¢、5¢、10¢、25¢、50¢(めったにお目にかからない) 、そして$1 硬貨。なんじゃこのへんてこな25¢硬貨(クォーター)っちゃ。。。なにがへんって4つ集めるとそれで$1になるって、当たり前のようでこれが曲者。








February 3, 2005

Check your Design sense!

[Can you become a designer toward the future trend or behind the current trend?]


Test: This image shows six different categories of design. In each category, I chose two designs, which have extremely opposite perspective about design with each other. Now, you can choose either one design, A or B, which you like better in terms of the design from each category.


If you chose:
all A, you are the person who can be a leader of future design!!!
five A, why don’t you team up with me!! Let’s change the world!!
four A, you grasp a sense of real meaning about design!
three A, you are the average consumer of everyday design.
two A, broaden your viewpoint, and you’ll see the design more!
one A, don’t be a good target by cheesy commercialism!!
no A, no way! Can you really pay $200 for the strange shape of fruit!!!


This test was created based on the survey conducted by Axis vol.112, Japanese design magazine. It is trying to reveal peoples’ image about design. These six categories represent six different perspective of design such as meaning, example, expression, purpose, value, and act. Each category has two choices which are totally opposite concept with each other. For example, in meaning category, there are two choices with opposite concept, “Something close to essence or concept” and “Something with external form and outlook.” Following table shows six categories with each description of two sides.

このテストは、日本のデザイン雑誌「AXIS vol.112」によるアンケート調査に基づいています。その目的は人がデザインについて抱くイメージに関するための調査です。これら6つのカテゴリーはそれぞれ異なるデザインのイメージ(意味、具体例、表現、目的、価値、行動)と対応しています。各々のカテゴリーには2つの両極端な選択肢が用意されています。例えば、「意味」のカテゴリーでは、「本質や構想に近いもの」と「外面的な形、外観に近いもの」の相異なる概念が用意されています。以下の表は6つのそれぞれのカテゴリーとそれに属する両極の概念を説明したものです。

The 12 different design samples in the test are corresponds to each description of these 12 groups. Examples of Group A have perspective to interpret the word, “Design”, as “Idea.” On the other hand, examples of group B have perspective as “Appearance.” This survey was conducted among the reader of this magazine, that means it targeted a group of design related people, and the result actually indicates that the average of answer for each question mostly supported group A. This means that people currently consider “Design” as an idea instead of something about appearance. This attitude clearly shows the concept or interpretation of “Design” is not only within the world of shape and form but also about something further than that. This result really fascinates me, Wow,!!! making me feel “I jumped into somewhere like universe, not just a pool…” I wanna try to swim in this mysterious world until I find a clue to the meaning of Design. Do you wanna join me!?!?


January 31, 2005

Designer as a Translator

Taku Sato, one of my favorite designers, can be a good person to start with. He is known as a graphic designer of commercial packaging design such as Nikka’s Pure Malt, Lotte’s Xylitol gum, and Meiji’s Oishi Gyunyu (delicious milk). Among many outstanding works, especially his recent work as an art director of NHK’s educational TV program, “Let’s play with Japanese,” is a good example to represent his design philosophy.

The objective of this TV program is to familiarize children with the rich linguistic expressions of Japanese from an early stage of their life. It is designed for kids to learn proverbs as well as onomatopoeic words and idioms naturally with much of fun.

When he is assigned as an art director of this program, the only decided thing was to create TV program about Japanese language for young children. After he searched several old TV programs for children, he noticed that all previous children programs were created only from the adults’ point of view. Those programs are intentionally designed to be childish program by adults. For example, those programs intended to use the childish typeface for their caption. But they didn’t successfully satisfy real audiences, children.

From this observation, he came up with the concept of the program. “Since child’s sense of what’s good and what’s not is not fully developed yet, if we could provide extremely high quality content they will absorb it like sponges.”

One of the methods to make this concept achieved was that he created original font for the 48 hiragana characters based on the Mincho (Ming-style) font, which is originally from the art of calligraphy. Using original font in broadcasting system takes great deal of time and effort for the client, NHK. However, he explained the importance of this effort and finally persuaded the stuff. All his effort to persuade his clients made them recognize the power of design.

“Mission of design is all about the process to find out the essence of the problem, visualize it and discuss what to do next sharing the project with his client,” he says.

What makes him great designer for me is just his excellent ability to find out the meaning of an object and create the solution to enlighten us on the hidden meaning we usually neglect. Each piece of his work makes me feel designers are not just drawing sketches or making models, but they can change something important hidden behind our life to something easily visible for everybody.

If you are a teacher of early education or a student of beggining level of Japanese as well as anybody who has mind of youth, you gotta check it out!


この番組の趣旨は、子供が幼少期のうちから表現の豊かな言語である日本語に楽しくふれてもらおうというものです。この番組を通して子供たちは諺や擬音語、語彙などを楽しみながら自然と学べるように構成されています。 彼がこの番組のアート・ディレクターに起用された時点では、小さい子供向けの日本語をテーマにした番組を作るということだけしか決まっていませんでした。


こうした考察から、この番組のコンセプトは生まれました。「子供と言うのはまだ価値観が定まってないから、質の良し悪しなどは気にしない、そのぶんものすごく質の高い物を届ければ、スポンジのように吸収するはずだ。」 そのコンセプトを見える形にするひとつの手段として、番組の字幕用に明朝体をベースにした独自のフォントを作成しました。放送局で独自のフォントを持つ文字を使うことは、コストと手間がかかります。しかし、彼はその手間の重要性をスタッフに説得しました。彼の説得の意義は、製作スタッフにデザインの重要性を認識させることにありました。




Taku Sato’s Profile:

January 30, 2005

Mission Statement

To define a word, “Design,” in inductive ways.
There are as many definitions of design as the number of people.
The meaning of a word, design, varies in each diffretent context.
Each designer has each different interpretation of design.
This, Design = Everything, is trying to define, "Design,"
by posting my personal experience, thoughts, and idea about daily basis
as well as by sharing them with you.

この「Design = Everyhing」は、私の日々の経験・考え・思いを綴り、